Archive for the ‘Sony PS-F9’ Category

Hi-Fi Poster- A Visual History of Hi-Fi Turntables

Wednesday, February 10th, 2016

A UK based designer has a few of these limited edition posters left.

A visual hi-fi history of turntables book

Good to see a PS-F9 in prime position.

You can buy one from their website for £14.99

Posted in All things vinyl, Related Devices, Sony PS-F9 | No Comments »

Reproduction 3D Printed Dust Covers

Tuesday, October 6th, 2015

A fellow owner has contacted me to say that he’s now offering 3D printed dust covers. These are often lost or broken so missing when PS-F5/F9s are offered for sale. Currently available in white or black (the original was a navy blue). This should fit both the PS-F5 and the PS-F9.


If you’re missing yours, or would like to mod your player with a new colour, then you can grab one from here:



Posted in Accessories, Sony PS-F5, Sony PS-F9 | No Comments »

PS-F5 & PS-F9s for spares on eBay

Wednesday, November 27th, 2013

For those of you who are after parts for your PS-F5, here are a couple of auctions that might be of interest:

2 PS-F9s



Posted in ebay, Sony PS-F5, Sony PS-F9 | No Comments »

NOS APM-09 Speakers on eBay if you’re feeling flush

Sunday, July 8th, 2012

A nice set of APM 090s just appeared on eBay from a seller in New York. I got myself a pair of these a while back, but they’re nowhere near this condition.

Check the auction here…

Hadn’t seen the direct speaker connector before. Might have to make myself one of those (mine came with none of the extras).

The seller was good enough to upload scans of some of the instruction manual, which is good for me! Here’s the auction’s images (click to enlarge).


Posted in Accessories, ebay, Related Devices, Sony PS-F5, Sony PS-F9 | 1 Comment »

New Purchase – Sony APM 090 Speakers

Monday, August 8th, 2011

I recently bought a pair of these portable speakers from eBay. They’re a bit rough, but they work OK. Was just doing a bit of digging around online and found this image on AudioIdiots from the German 1984 Sony brochure:

They sound pretty good for their size. Powered by a 6 V AC adapter or 4 x C cells in the left hand speaker which houses the amplifying circuitry. I was initially a bit stumped as to why the right hand speaker also had a battery cover, space for 4 cells and the metal contacts for the speakers until I noticed a sticker stating “Put the spare batteries here”! So it’s both a way for Sony to save production costs by only having one moulding they used for both speakers and a way to carry a spare set of cells should you wish. I guess the metal springs & contacts are to stop the cells rattling around in there. The leads are both integral (main signal in and lead from right speaker which plugs into the left speaker with a mono 3.5mm jack. There’s room for them to stow away under the battery doors so they’re neat when not being used. They’ve also got wall hanging points, so I could mount them either side of my wall hung PS-F5 if I was so inclined…

Sadly I didn’t receive the carry handle, but happily both have their original “It’s a Sony” sticker.

Posted in analogue, ebay, Related Devices, Sony PS-F9 | No Comments »

Happy 2 Year Anniversary to Here’s the gifts!

Saturday, July 9th, 2011

Well, the site’s made it through 2 years. Cheers to all visitors past, present and future and thanks to everyone who’s written in with help and support.

Most things I’ve been sent have ended up on the site, sometimes straight away, sometimes after a while and I still have things that I need to get on one day.
Two such examples that some kind people sent me to stick on the site that I haven’t got round to sticking on till now are the workshop manuals for both the PS-F5 and PS-F9. Thanks to those people for helping the rest of us keep our turntables going.

PS-F5 Service Manual (PDF)

PS-F9 Service Manual (PDF)

They’ll get a proper link in the main menu one day, but for now those links will just be available in this blog post.

So keep checking back, or subscribe to the blog’s RSS feed to be updated of updates as I’ll be steadily adding to the site and trying out de-yellowing one of my PS-F5s in the near future.
And if you have any info that you’d like to see on the site, hit me up on the contact page.


Posted in maintenance, Sony PS-F5, Sony PS-F9 | No Comments »

PS-F9 For Sale on Austrian eBay

Friday, July 1st, 2011

Just had a message from Christian in Austria that he’s selling his PS-F9. Here’s the link for anyone who’d like to pick one up:
eBay link

Posted in ebay, Sony PS-F9 | No Comments »

Protect Your Battery Terminals

Friday, May 20th, 2011

Yesterday I was installing a new HTPC here at home. When looking up the best way to install the coax satellite cable’s F Connectors, I found this page on the use of silicone grease, which linked to this page of other uses. This section caught my eye:

Leaking battery cells will cause the spring contacts to corrode. You can help prevent this by coating the contacts with silicone grease.

You can use it in any equipment that uses battery cells – from remote controls, model boats, model cars to hearing aids.

Seems like a sensible, easy and cheap precaution to take on our turntables to me.

I plan to add a maintenance section to this site one day to which I’ll add this, but in the meantime I thought I’d post this info here as it may help others and to remind me to add it to a more permanent part of the site one day.

Posted in maintenance, Sony PS-F5, Sony PS-F9 | No Comments »

About Page Updated

Thursday, May 12th, 2011

I made some updates to the About page today, including a real life recording of the PS-F5 in action, kindly donated by a friendly visitor of the site from France called Emmanuel. Thanks to you for that.

Posted in Sony PS-F5, Sony PS-F9 | No Comments »

New PS-F9 Video on YouTube

Wednesday, January 12th, 2011

A happy new year to all. It was made especially happy for us here as our first child was born last week. Both mother and son are healthy and doing well.

As for the subject of portable Sony turntables- this video of a PS-F9 in action was posted to YouTube yesterday. Enjoy 🙂


Posted in Sony PS-F9, video | 2 Comments »