Archive for November, 2011


Monday, November 7th, 2011

Just a few days left to join the many who have donated to kickstart the Vinylmania film. They’re still some way off the target, and if they don’t reach that then all of the pledges are null-and-void. Take the opportunity to do your bit to help with this great looking project and bag some cool rewards at the same time!

From their website:

Do you go giddy to the sound of vinyl, its touch, its smell, its look, even taste?! If yes, your diagnosis is… Vinylmania!

Join our vinyl bandwagon & help bring our new documentary film “Vinylmania” into your homes on dvd! Just 3 days left to fund us on Kickstarter & get your copy! Support the Vinylmania in you

Our 33 in 45 – $33,000 in 45 days – campaign’s goal is to raise the money to bring the music documentary onto a special edition double dvd to distribute worldwide. The memorable edition will feature a cover sleeve created for the film by the notable American collage artist, Winston Smith, who stars in the film.

Posted in All things vinyl | 2 Comments »