Archive for the ‘All things vinyl’ Category

Pressing Matters in Jamaica

Monday, February 6th, 2017

Awesome five minute documentary about the current state of the once mighty vinyl industry in Jamaica and how the locals hope to resuscitate it.


From Vinyl Factory

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New Turntable- The (semi?) Portable Love

Wednesday, January 25th, 2017

Looks like this design might actually make it to production (unlike other vapourware such as the Linos). A Kickstarter campaign is promised soon and those interested can sign up for a notification email.

Interesting concept and looking forward to reading more about its details and some reviews.

Find out more at Coming Soon Tech

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Ahhhh Freak Out!

Tuesday, January 24th, 2017

Check out this amazing turntable related art freakout!

Posted in All things vinyl, analogue, video, Weird & Wonderful | No Comments »

Newly launched Global Record Store Map:

Tuesday, December 13th, 2016

A new record shop location service has been launched:

Brought to you by the same people as – this is an updated and optimised version of that site, which renders well on mobile devices.

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Hi-Fi Poster- A Visual History of Hi-Fi Turntables

Wednesday, February 10th, 2016

A UK based designer has a few of these limited edition posters left.

A visual hi-fi history of turntables book

Good to see a PS-F9 in prime position.

You can buy one from their website for £14.99

Posted in All things vinyl, Related Devices, Sony PS-F9 | No Comments »

Gramovox Floating Record Player

Tuesday, September 29th, 2015

Can’t find a PS-F5/9? This looks to be a good alternatve at a reasonable price. After a successful Kickstarter campaign earlier this year, it is now available for general purchase through their website (link below). Way better than some of the budget vinyl wreckers that are on the market. Did they take the vertical inspiration from the Sonys? Seems I’m not the only one who made the connection.


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WARNING- Read this if you collect records

Friday, February 20th, 2015

I recently saw a link to this article about PVC sleeves and how they might be affecting the records within:

Can PVC record sleeves damage vinyl

Comparison of good vs damaged records

Reading through pretty much the whole thread has just convinced me to throw away many hundreds of PVC sleeves that I’ve had my most prized/expensive records stored in.

Searching around, this knowledge has been around for a while, but none of the people I’ve spoken to who collect records were aware of the issue, so it seemed sensible to write this post to help spread the word.

If you can’t be bothered with reading through the whole thing, I’ll summarise: it’s mainly the outer sleeves that are the issue- the thick, fairly rigid ones, normally textured around the edge. Yep- the very things that we’ve bought to protect our records could be irreversibly damaging them. The consensus seems to be that something (plasticisers, oils?) is leeching out of the PVC, transferring through the cardboard & inner sleeves (even plastic inner sleeves in some cases) over time and affecting the vinyl of the record itself. This is referred to by some as “off-gassing” or “out-gassing”. Some people say that plastic inner sleeves are a potential problem too. Acid free paper inner sleeves are safest from a chemical perspective. Other people avoid paper like the plague due to the the dust it transfers to the record. It seems the whole subject of record preservation is a minefield.

Sure, it’s inconclusive and seems to be more likely in hotter/more humid climates and seems to depend on the manufacturer of the record, but there’s around 10 people from around the world in the thread that I linked to above that have lost lots of records from having them stored in PVC sleeves. I decided the safest bet is to ditch all of mine. Just not worth the risk.

Thin polythene sleeves like they often have in record shops are fine. Mylar (trade name for polyester) are the best, but expensive and hard to find. According to people in that thread who sound like they know what they’re talking about, the most inert and cost effective are polypropylene. I’ve just bought 100 of these to try and I prefer them to the polythene sleeves as they are slightly thicker, so don’t tend to slide off so easily when putting records back into place on the shelf. I’ll be getting more.

Sadly, the PVC sleeves are still widely available. I used to prefer them as they offer more protection to physical damage. Let’s help spread the word about these potential vinyl killers. Please pass this on this to anyone you know who collects records. Too much vinyl has been lost already.

Further reading

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New Record Shops Opening in London

Saturday, July 12th, 2014

One of London's newest record shops: Love Vinyl

Great article on Gilles Peterson’s Worldwide website about some new record shops that have recently surfaced in London Town.

Read it here.

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Vinyl Sales in UK Highest for 15 Years

Monday, January 13th, 2014


Sales of vinyl LPs reached a 15 year high in 2013 thanks to Record Store Day, and new albums from the likes of Arctic Monkeys, Daft Punk and David Bowie.

Read the full article on 2013 in vinyl on the Official Chart’s news page:

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Vinyl to Vinyl in 50 Years

Saturday, September 21st, 2013

Recently spotted this doing the rounds – some great info here. Having trouble finding the source of this, but well worth a post.


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