Archive for August, 2009

For Sale: The world’s largest record collection

Tuesday, August 18th, 2009

“This is a short film I made about the owner of the world’s largest record collection. This film probably best represents the direction I see myself going as a director. I love everything about it. It’s my baby.” Sean Dunne: Director

The Archive by Sean Dunne is the story of Paul Mawhinney’s record collection, which is now up for sale

I hope Paul’s collection gets preserved in its entirety somehow soon. Such a huge slice of history which, sadly, no one seems interested in.

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Posted in All things vinyl, analogue | 2 Comments »

Crossley Traveller Portable Suitcase Turntable

Friday, August 7th, 2009

crossley turntable classicNot much technical information here, but first impressions are that it’s well made. On sale at the moment here too

Posted in All things vinyl, analogue, Related Devices | No Comments »

Big Bird’s on the cut

Thursday, August 6th, 2009

Think I saw one of these in a shop in Santa Cruz, California. Unfortunately it was closed.[youtube]SwfZac2s-XU[/youtube]

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Posted in All things vinyl, Related Devices, Retro | No Comments »