Archive for January, 2012

Tidy Looking PS-F5 For Sale on U.S. eBay

Saturday, January 7th, 2012

Looks fairly tidy, boxed with what looks like all the original items. Shame the photos look like they’ve been taken through an ice cube.

As I type this the bidding is up to US $224.60 and its still not met its reserve price with 6 days to go.

Seeing that manual reminds me, does anyone have one they could scan so I can share it on this site? That’d be nice.

eBay Auction page

Posted in ebay, Sony PS-F5 | 2 Comments »

Super Midget

Tuesday, January 3rd, 2012

Not seen one of these before. I like the design, but the build quality looks pretty crumby.


Posted in All things vinyl, analogue, Related Devices, Retro | No Comments »